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Oil Painting courses

Oil Painting courses in Tuscany with the painter Riccardo Corti

Oil Painting courses in Tuscany with the painter Riccardo Corti

The Hotel I Pini offers oil painting courses to learn the basic techniques of this type of painting.
The courses are held by the painter Riccardo Corti, a professional artist and painting teacher, at his home studio in Lido di Camaiore, 300 mt from the beach.

Lessons are always one to one and for adults only. In a three-or five-day course (9 to 12 am) you will learn the basic techniques of oil painting.

All the material necessary for the realization of a small format painting of a pine tree or a seascape will be provided for free.

1,5 евро в день на человека в течение первых 7 дней. Дети до 14 лет освобождены от уплаты.


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